Matthew Thompson

Composer Musician Recording artist

Never satisfied with one particular direction, Matthew's musical output covers a broad range of styles, from experimental rock to improvised noise music, ambient, to lo-fi abrasive electronic sounds.

Learning the basics of a variety of instruments and musical styles from a young age has given him a solid foundation on which to expand his musical palette.

Matthew's musical interests span very different worlds, including Western art music (particularly late romantic period music), various alt rock and electronic genres.

Considering eclectic tastes, it's no surprise that his output is also so varied. In fact, he is somewhat of a Jekyll and Hyde. Dr Jekyll tends toward approachable, emotionally engaging music that awards the active listener with hidden complexity, where as Mr Hyde prefers to 'troll' the listener with purposefully abstruse, abrasive and occasionally downright annoying creations.

For some time he has had an interest in blurring the line between a chamber ensemble and a rock band. His aim is to bring some of the complexity of classical music into a rock group, particually in composing multi movement works with interweaving thematic material .